Winter and Spring of 2005 in the Colorado Rockies

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Pow Pow Powder

March is supposed to be one of the snowiest months in Colorado. So far there hasn't been too much snow, until today. It dumped all day long. I would guess there was at least 18" of powder at the top of the mountain by the end of the day. Although I was "working" today, that didn't stop me from enjoying the fresh snow. On a normal day we are supposed to limit our fun runs a bit. We are supposed to do only 1 run up the T-Bar, one off the 6-Chair and stay off the South side of peak 10 and off of the runs by the E-Chair. On a day like today, our supervisors turn a blind eye. I skied the T-Bar twice, the 6-Chair four times and many other sweet runs (Mineshaft, The Windows, Ore Bucket, Mach 1, Blackhawk) we normally aren't supposed to ski. The skiing was fantastic. It was one of the best Powder days I have had at Breck. Of the 9 hours that I was on the mountain, I probably did a solid 3 hours of actual work. I still can't believe they pay me to do this.


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