Winter and Spring of 2005 in the Colorado Rockies

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Up until this year there had been a competition at Breck called the E-Chair Challenge. The idea is that you try to ski the terrain under the E-Chair as many times as possible during the day. The runs are all double black bump runs which can be pretty steep. This year the E-Chair challenge was cancelled due to insurance reasons (ie too many people got hurt in the past). Today at work, instead of doing what we were supposed to do, myself and three of my coworkers decided to do a mini E-Chair challenge for much of the day. It was my last day of work, so I wanted to go out with a bang. There was a few inches of new snow (not the feet that was predicted) and it snowed through most of the morning. The skiing was great. The runs off the E-Chair have some cool names. The Windows, Tom's Mom, Tom's Baby, Inferno, Satan's, Hades, Purgatory, Devils Crotch, E-Liftline, Mineshaft and The Doors. Our first few runs were all untracked. For most of the morning, probably at least half of the tracks were ours. We ended up skiing 20 runs under the E-Chair today. The lifties hated us because we came by so many times in uniform (they don't get to ski much). We never got caught by our boss, although I doubt he would have cared. It was a fun day and a good way to end my mountain safety career. Best of all, after a day of hard skiing, I've got my skiing confidence back. The picture is of the E-Chair terrain. I patched it together from a bunch of photos I took.


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