Mt. Bierstadt - 14,060' and Mt. Evans - 14,264'

Today Mt. Bierstadt and Mt. Evans were on the agenda. I had to drive nearly an hour and a half to get to the trailhead on the Mt. Evans highway. It was an interesting hike because I started hiking above 13,000' and immediately descended 1000' before starting up Bierstadt. The route was relatively short but contained a lot of scrambling which was fun. The guide book stated that this route minimized walking and maximized excitement. That was certainly true. I passed abyss lake on my way up Bierstadt. From Bierstadt I traversed the Sawtooth ridge to the top of Evans. I descended Evans south slope crossing the road several times while heading back to my car. These were my 8th and 9th fourteeners of the year. I had climbed Mt. Bierstadt before, probably about 10 years ago, via a different route.
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