Winter and Spring of 2005 in the Colorado Rockies

Friday, January 07, 2005

Job Hunting

I finally saw a job posting that appealed to me. It is an on mountain job with the resort. The position involves guest services on the mountain and trying to keep skiers safe on the mountain. Basically they would pay me to ski everyday which sounds like a good gig to me. I went up to the HR office today and applied for the position. I'm probably going to have an interview next week. I hope it get it, because it is the type of job that I really want. The only thing I am not thrilled about is that it is a full-time position. I was hoping for something maybe 3-4 days a week. Oh well. I think one of the other job duties is the enforcement of the Ski Fast/Loose Pass rule. It might be fun chasing down people and taking their lift tickets away. I can be a big bully.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Epic Powder Day

It has been snowing for most of the last 3 days. Yesterday evening and overnight there was a good amount of accumulation. I headed out to the mountain when the lifts opened at 8:30. I skiied on my new (used, but new to me) Atomic Sugar Daddy powder skis today. They were incredible. If you have never tried fat skis, they are a lot of fun. They are pretty versatile too as I found out today. Unlike the powder day last week, there were no crowds today. I immediately headed over to Peak 7 so I could jump on the T-Bar as soon as it opened. I skied a couple of runs under the Independence chair. I skied wirepatch once and laid down the first set of tracks in about 6 in of powder. I rode the lift up again and skied the same run and put down the second set of tracks through the fresh snow. It was pretty nice. Around 9:30 the T-Bar opened. I skied down to it right away and was probably one of the the first 20 people to ride to the top of the mountain. As I got there a ski patroller was just pulling back the rope to open up Horseshoe Bowl. Two people dropped in ahead of me, but I passed them within the first 50 yards and before we got to the lip of the bowl. I could not believe what was happening. I was about to get first tracks down Horseshoe Bowl with over a foot of fresh powder. I bombed down the bowl, it was awesome. I only passed on set of ski patroller tracks as I made my way down. My powder skis are absolutely incredible. They make skiing in deep snow effortless. You can also ski a lot faster with confidence through powder beacuse of the extra flotation. I rode the T-Bar several more times and got a bunch of great runs off the top of the mountain. Even with the T-Bar open, the high alpine bowls were not crowded. I skiied run after run off of the T-Bar, Chair 6, and the Independence Chair. The snow was great everywhere. It was so much fun. I skied until about 2:30 without taking any breaks and I finally headed in because I was completely and utterly exhausted. Today was by far my best day on the mountain yet, but I'm sure there will be many days like this to come. It's only about 9pm and I can barely stay awake, so I'm going to bed early. I think my body is going to need a few days to recover, but it was worth it.

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

I'm getting really lazy

I was supposed to snow overnight, so I was planning on getting up early to ski. I set my alarm for 7:30am. When I finally got up at 11:30, I saw it had only snowed about 3 in. I ate a bowl of Cheerios, got dressed, grabbed my skis and headed out to the mountain. The snow was pretty nice, but I only skied for about 2 hours. When I got back to the condo I sat in the hot tub for about an hour drinking a couple of beers. It was pretty relaxing. I have a feeling this sort of day is going to become increasingly typical in my life.

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

Crazy Like A Fox

I'm watching the Orange Bowl and one of the announcers just said "Crazy like a fox." Tremendous!

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Ski Day #13

Today the holiday crowds are beginning to disappear. I spent most of the day cruising on the blue runs on peak 9. Today was the first day I really tried to work my new skis and see how well they can carve. The responsiveness and liveliness of the skis is incredible. I was having a blast just skiing the groomers and really carving hard turns. I think my form is getting better as well.
I finally found a roommate for the other bedroom in my condo. It took a bit longer than I expected because not too many people were looking for rooms during the holidays. My new roommate is a 24 year old girl from Alabama. She was out here last winter, so she already knows her way around town. She seems pretty nice and hopefully we will get along well. We shall see.