Stupid People in Billy's Bowl

This bowl (Billy's Bowl) is just outside the ski area boundary of Breckenridge on the south side of peak 9. It is legal to ski out there, but there is no avalanche control and people ski at their own risk. It is pretty common for people to hike up there to ski, but it is also pretty dangerous. There have been two large skier triggered avalanches in Billy Bowl this year (2/13/05 3/10/05). Three skiers have been partially buried, but luckily no one has been hurt. Today I saw some people hiking up on the ridge of Billy's Bowl, and knowing that avalanche danger was considerable, I decided to watch expecting to see some action. I was not disappointed. There were 6 snowboarders contemplating skiing the bowl. One walked out on the cornice to look over the edge. As he stood out there a 50ft wide section (yellow arrows) of the cornice broke off beneath his feet. He dropped about 10ft, but luckily didn't slide down the slope with the chucks of the cornice. You would think this would make everyone in the group think twice about skiing here, but you would be wrong. A few minutes later one of his buddies dropped into the bowl on his snowboard a little ways down the bowl (red arrows). This time an even bigger section of the cornice broke off and triggered an avalanche below as well. The guy was luckily as he was able to ride out the slide unharmed. The rest of the boarders rode down the ridge to avoid setting off any more slides. It was kind of cool seeing all this avalanche action live, but I am amazed how stupid some people are.